Friday 6 October 2017

Horror Trailer Analysis

Let me in- Review

This is my analysis of a horror trailer, I chose to discuss the editing, mise-en-scene, sound and camera angles of the film 'Let me in'. This analysis has helped me with my research into the making of my own horror trailer because it has allowed me to understand the typical conventions that are used within a horror trailer, meaning I will be able to take this away and use it within my own trailer.

The production company logo tends to be found at the start of the trailer, at least this is the case in the trailer of 'Let me in'. In terms of lighting for this trailer, the boy is shown in a bright light, possibly indicating his innocence. Whereas when the girl is shown, the lighting is much darker, highlighting that the girl is not considered 'normal' and that she is not be seen in a bright light. The mise-en-scene in this trailer supports the fact that the girl is not perceived as 'normal' as she is wearing dark coloured make up underneath her eyes, showing a lack of sleep, and has an abnormally pale face, suggesting she could be malnourished. This makes the audience wonder why she is like this, and believe that she is the villain in the film. Camera angles play an important part within this trailer, such as the use of the long shot of the railway gates. The lighting within this shot is also very dark, suggesting that this could be a sinister place. Due to the fact that the gates are poorly lit, it gives the audience the impression that something is being hidden.


The final title frame is different to many other titles from horror films as they usually consist of a black background with white text, showing the contrast in colours. However with the titles of 'Let me in', the text is in black and the background has been depicted to look like frosted glass, suggesting that this film was set in winter. The fact that it was set in winter makes the film scarier overall because whereas in summer, it would be bright lights and people having fun, unlike in winter where there is bad weather and dark, cold nights which indicates a sense of danger within a horror film. 

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Final Trailer