Monday 16 April 2018

Photo ideas

Below are the photos that I took prior to creating my poster and magazine front cover, I didn't use all of these photos however they were still beneficial to me when planning for these ancillary tasks.

I liked this photo however I don't think that just having the front of the doll's house was as effective, I liked the model looking out of one of the windows, however I don't think it looks realistic.

I used this photo on my poster and I photo-shopped it into an image I had taken of the doll's house, by replacing one of the windows with this image of the model's eye looking out of it, making the photo look more creepy and eerie.

This photo, although similar to the previous one was not quite right for me as the position of the eye in the window wasn't central. I wanted to try it at an angle but decided that this doesn't work, especially as I wanted to photoshop this image into the one of the doll's house, it wouldn't look right.

I thought that the use of the hand coming out of the doll's house would look quite effective as it suggests that the audience is being pulled into watch the film. However, realistically this was a hard photo to shoot and it only consists of the front of the doll's house, due to difficulty with transportation of the entire doll's house.

This was the first photo that I took, however it wasn't good enough for my poster because I didn't like the top middle window being open, I would have preferred for the window on the top right or left hand corner to be open instead. Also this photo was taken at a bit of an angle which I am not fond of. 

Similarly to the previous photo, I do not like how the top middle window is open as I would prefer the door to be and also I feel like I took this photo from such a height that the angle doesn't look right. I think it would look effective face on.

I definitely did not want to use this photo on my poster because it was taken from a low angle which although it implies that  the doll's house is important, does not look right and wouldn't on my poster. Also the doll's house doors are open and I don't like the fact that you can look into the doll's house. I would prefer it if the audience used their imagination to envision what goes on inside.

This was the main image I have decided to use on my poster and the reason I chose it was because it focuses purely on the doll's house and I liked how the door was positioned so that it was open, making my target audience feel intrigued and interested in watching my trailer. I also liked the angle of this photo as it wasn't titled or twisted as that might give off the wrong impression.

Even though the lighting in this photo isn't very good, it could be edited however I still didn't want to use this photo on my magazine front cover because the model was looking down at the camera and didn't look as sinister and twisted as I wanted her to.

I knew I didn't want to use this photo because of the light on the top of the model's head as compared to other parts of the photo, it is the lightest and looks slightly abnormal. Also I still didn't quite like the expression on her face  as it didn't give off the impression that i wanted it to.

This was the photo that I decided to choose as my main image for my magazine front cover because I like how her head is tilted at an angle and it isn't the camera that is titled because it portrays her to be sinister and evil. I also like her focus on the camera, as if she's looking at the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have very strong imagery and have stated why you like or don't like each image which is good for the audience to understand why you chose which one.


Final Trailer