Tuesday 10 April 2018

Camera shot ideas for my trailer

Shot 1- Establishing shot of the doll's house. Music- Once Upon a December. Music box- zooms in.

Shot 2- Shot zooms in on what appears to be the back of a young girl's blonde hair as she hums the song.

Shot 3- As she hums the song, the shot changes to a close- up of her hands playing with the doll's house (sound bridge)

Shot 4-  Audience can understand that this is a woman as the camera jumps to an extreme close- up of her face as she turns around creepily.

Shot 5- The woman then speaks, "She wouldn't listen" jump cut to shot of the baby in the bath covered in blood with investigation voice over.

Shot 6- Establishing shot (could be quite blurry- camera is trying to focus) of a steamy mirror. The woman then smears her bloody hand across it showing guilt.

Shot 7- Panning across to see that the baby has been killed.

Shot 8- Shot of the woman kneeling down over the bed as she punches the bed and rips out her hair.

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